Saturday, August 1, 2015

Drawing Class for Dummies


I just finished this drawing class and I thought I'd share every single piece of paper I've done in that class, regardless of quality, all drawings were done on a large drawing pad 18x24:

This is a cross contours image of some random objects placed on a table.
Cross contour self portrait

Pencil Life drawing of objects

Soft Charcoal drawing of a birdhouse, apple, glass and drapery.
Fabric practice on 18 by 24 newsprint
This drawing of random pipery...
and this drawing of a bodyless cow...
Were to be transmorphed into this drawing.
Ink drawing practice of interior and exterior perspective.

Ink drawing silhouette of a ladder, skeleton and mannequin hand.

Final assignment birdhouse, mannequin hand, and fun tube.

BONUS ROUND!!!!!!!!!!

Sketchbook assginments you guacamoles!

Contour drawing self portrait

I literally did four these scribble feeling drawings where I listened to four tracks of music and see if they changed my mark making and my feelings. This one I was listening to Gucci Mane - Street Nigga
J Dilla- Don't Cry
Madilb - No More Time? (The Change)

Roc Marciano-Sweet Nothing

Saturday, May 16, 2015

I just finished my Painting Class. These are all the peices I've done for it.

 This first painting was supposed to be a illusory painting depicting realistic crumpled paper. Lol
My classmates did not think of me highly for a few weeks.

 Our brofessor displayed some pillows on a tables and us students painted the shit out of them.  I'm still not familiar with paints at all.
 We painted some shoes and whatnot using only neutral colors. I still have a hard time using colors.
 I brought this in not knowing we were supposed to work on it in class, lol.
 Still life assignment.
 Collaborative non representational assignment where us classmates traded canvases every 30 or so minutes, here's how mine turned out.

 This assignment was about having to turn a realistic picture into a representational abstract piece.
 Portrait of someone you know.  I didn't finish it because I'm not good with finishing things.
Final Project: Capturing Action, Reaction and Impact. 
Fedor Emelionenko v Mirko Cro Cop Pride.

Shouts out to Brianna Vandersticks, Chloe Littlebuns, and my brofessor Nikol Farrand "Ferrocious" for being tight as fuck and tolerating my mooching, obnoxious ass. I came in confident and left broken and more insecure yet equally narcissistic.