Saturday, August 25, 2012

Gangsta Mo'fuckas.

Await August twenty-muthafucking-nineth of 2012, fo'real, bustas. Expect nothing, as I'm bound to dissappoint. You're welcome.

Not me, but a picture I found on the internet. Shit was cash.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Reading about Parkinsons leaves scared and...shaky.

I haven't updated my blog in eons. My voyage to the Himalayas may have been an obstruction to such goals like ironic shitty hipster blog-posting. Perhaps. But I feel like I am indebted to you dedicated 0 followers of mine. However, there is a problem. I haven't been keeping a firm grip on the pencil (my penis however...) and I haven't drawing much lately. It's a sad state of affairs for a fat-man who is not Gabe Newell, but rest-assured,  nigs, I'm back from the dead, to yet again inappropriately overuse curse words like a kid turrets who just found out he can abuse his illness in front of a church mourning of the loss of a baby who had retarded autism... The fuck? That doesn't make a hint of sense. Regardless, the dead autistic baby was buried in an coffin made of legos, in which all pieces were organized in set colors, just how we would've wanted.

Okay, here comes the art dump. Not much, but - well I don't know brah - my chronic masturbation and porn habits have gotten in the way of productivity. Damn you left hand, you accursed blessing!(Oxymoron mother-fucker haha!)

I have several problems with the way I drew Malcolm X, basically my only beef that I didn't tilt his fucking chrome enough to justify the fingers holding his head up.
That's the white woman hovering over Malcolm. She has a great youtube channel, randytaylor69, look her up.

I can't cite this reference, because I don't know where it comes from.

This is from an old painting, by French Impressionist White-Flagging Renoir
Some of it, I admit, is pretty weak, imcomplete, flacid, impitent, shallow, offensive(considering there's a pair of breasts OH NOES!!). Therefore, I'm going to try to step it up this week, considering I know have an audience anticipating my work. And by audience, I mean ghosts. And by ghosts I mean fuck yourself bitch I'm still posting anyway. If you jerked-off to any of these sketches, I applaud you. You have wanked to something drew with my hand, therefore I have literally given free hand-jobs. I'm a dirty slut.

As always, critiques wanted, appraisals not becuase I can't be happy with myself. I don't deserve to have myself. I hate myself. Just kidding, I love myself, and my penis. Thanks for your time, bustas.