Saturday, August 1, 2015

Drawing Class for Dummies


I just finished this drawing class and I thought I'd share every single piece of paper I've done in that class, regardless of quality, all drawings were done on a large drawing pad 18x24:

This is a cross contours image of some random objects placed on a table.
Cross contour self portrait

Pencil Life drawing of objects

Soft Charcoal drawing of a birdhouse, apple, glass and drapery.
Fabric practice on 18 by 24 newsprint
This drawing of random pipery...
and this drawing of a bodyless cow...
Were to be transmorphed into this drawing.
Ink drawing practice of interior and exterior perspective.

Ink drawing silhouette of a ladder, skeleton and mannequin hand.

Final assignment birdhouse, mannequin hand, and fun tube.

BONUS ROUND!!!!!!!!!!

Sketchbook assginments you guacamoles!

Contour drawing self portrait

I literally did four these scribble feeling drawings where I listened to four tracks of music and see if they changed my mark making and my feelings. This one I was listening to Gucci Mane - Street Nigga
J Dilla- Don't Cry
Madilb - No More Time? (The Change)

Roc Marciano-Sweet Nothing