Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Did someone say weaboo?

Okay, so let's get this off the record: It's been a long while- a very very long while since made a blog post, like  - like a married couple for twenty years not doing the funky stuff for twenty years.

I'm so so so so so sorry. I know you guys have been anticipating my shit fro ages, but I had a very (in)valid reason. He's my muthafucking story, bitches...

The reason I took a while is because someone - well, rather a prick - told - well, rather he asked - me something that I took offense to:

"Why don't you draw orginal content? Look at my anime bullshit hur dur Poky!!!Kawai!"

And I told him the same thing I usually tell other people, "How dare you speak to me."

Kidding of course. But it got me. I've been drawing from references all this time, trying to figure out how the fundamentals of reality can be applied on a piece of paper, so that later I can be able to convey the original ideas I would otherwise wouldn't be able to convey if I just went for broke. Basically I was being stupid.

True are artists are able to portray whatever they want to by just drawing it. No person draws real people with flesh out tones and shit - we just draw points for noses and dashes for the rose colored blush we draw on our weaboo faces. Now that's originality. Suck my lemons, you little mongoose of a Japanohile, I hope you choke on whatever fattening imported canies you ordered from the "legit" non-Hentai website.

Well, here's my annual drawing:

Welp, right there's your original content fat-goat. The wheelchair toting, missile launching hero is - well -fuck you it's none of your business (yet) and that's something of a project of mine. You'll read an SEE about it more after Wewaboo Hate Month is over.  And below that is a girl with a hand for a boner. Deal with it.

If anyone's interested in the reference here you go:

Sike(!), you thought I was going to give you a reference when my whole blogpost was about originality. You're such jabronis!


1 comment:

  1. I find this to be crude and offensive. I request a ballet for this to be taken off the internet
