Thursday, January 19, 2012

I long for a day that I'll be recognized as an exceptional artist from JFK to LAX.

But odds are I'll be living in exile and anonymity, forced to suck the juices of dead, decomposed babies who's wasted excrement could be used somehow, though I wouldn't know - though maybe I would know when I'm that Bohemian bum I speak of; I guess we'll see.

Nice beats that correspond to a MC's flow is just phenomenal. Just take a look at this link.

To call this hip-hop is an understatement. I don't care if hip-hop isn't really your thing, give this song a chance, and I'm certain you'll like it. If you don't, then fuck it we all have different perspectives, it's cool.

Oh and daily sketch:

Another Tyler the Creator fan-sketch I guess. I really like drawing dat black mofo . Maybe it's dem lips, I don't know.

Here's the reference sketch if your interested:

The little sketch under the black-face is just another stock reference, but unfortunately I wasn't able to find it, sorry roody-poos. Regardless, kissy-face bitches. As always, criticism. I really don't give a shit whether it's constructive or not. Do your worst, you punjabi.


  1. That is the face of pure constipation.

  2. Nice work on both sketches. The right ear on your referenced drawing needs some work. The brows need to be more defined. (They look fine on the thumbnail, but when close up something seems a little lacking in definition.)

    Also, What's with the girl?
