Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Relentless butt-slashing, jabrones.

Well, lately, I'm been slacking like a minority construction worker on a mad stupor, because anything less than drunken retardation is just not ethical. So here's my numbered-SOMETHING(!) sketch of the day

Well here you go you ungrateful son's of mothers:

Well, it's brother Shabazz, commonly known as Malcolm X. It's a reference study from somebody's else illustration of him. I have nothing but respect of El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, and from his story manifested an amalgam of traits that I embraced, though militancy is a small part of it. Regardless, his biopic and his book was a great watch and read, and I highly recommend it. It, surely enough, spurs lots of justified anger and - paradoxically - this inner embrace of not peace, but patience. He's a martyr, not of the same level as Martin Luther King or even Jesus, but he is to an extent that he still changes lives of the young black youth. I encourage that a lot.

Regardless, peace be unto you, my followers, and the world.

Here's the reference:


  1. He possesses the mother of all foreheads.

  2. Looks pretty good. If only the top of his head was finished.

  3. awesome drawing it looks good
